
Did you know that you may be able to receive help with cost associated with Medicare?

Through Medicare Cost Sharing you may qualify to have your Medicare premium paid for and receive that money directly back into your monthly Social Security check. Medicare Cost Sharing exists to help you put more money into your wallet.

With Medicare Cost Sharing :

  • Your Medicare coverage will stay the same – It is not an insurance plan. It will not change your Medicare plan, and your coverage for doctors and prescription drugs stays the same.
  • You will get money back into your Social Security Check – It is a state-run program that will pay your Medicare premium, which adds dollars back to your monthly Social Security check.

You can apply for freeThere is no cost to applying or being a part of the program.

Our team here at the Benefits Enrollment Center would like to help you apply for this free program.

If you have questions or want to apply over the phone give us a call at 877-833-2550.